Hiring the Wellow Community Bus The Wellow Community Bus is available to hire!When is the bus available?Most Saturdays and SundaysWeekdays between 9am and 2:30pm, and after 6.30pmWhat will it cost?Hire is £2.00 per mileMinimum cost of £50.00 (25 miles)This covers the bus, and fuelThe cost of the driver is extraWho drives the bus?One of the Wellow Community Bus drivers must drive the busThe driver is paid by the hirerWhat next?Contact Prakriti Karthauser (07900-163167) to discuss and reserve hiring the busPrakriti can help you with any questions you may have (such as how to arrange a Bus driver)You will need to complete a booking form (Wellow-Community-Bus-Hiring-Form-2023-09.doc); and finalise it along with payment once the hire is complete Wellow Community Bus Group: a registered charity in England – 1146173