Wellow Community Bus History

Ever since Wellow lost its B&NES-subsidised bus service in 2006, the village had been pressing for an alternative way of enabling people to reach shops, services and amenities without relying on the private car. This was identified in the Parish Plan as vital to meet the needs of those without the use of a car – particularly young people and older residents – to reduce traffic through the village and to decrease our carbon footprint.


The first step towards a solution came in 2009 when Wellow Parish Council secured a COMMA grant through Community Action, a member of ACRE (Action for Communities in Rural England), sufficient to buy a 15-seater minibus. Popular demand was confirmed by a new household survey, and several residents offered to help as volunteer drivers for the bus. Several local businesses came forward with offers of sponsorship, with their logos to be prominently visible on the bus.


Wellow Community Bus Group was established, with a sizeable local membership, as a not-for-profit enterprise. The committee drew on the experience of successful community transport schemes elsewhere, and the advice of the Community Transport Association. In 2011/12, the organization became a Charitable Company Limited by Guarantee, through registration with the Charity Commission and with Companies House.


The Bus started operations in September 2010, and now has a team of volunteer drivers. The service has grown in popularity over time, with around 3,000 passenger journeys in the first year doubling to over 6,000 in 2014.


In spring 2017, we were delighted to receive the award from the Department for Transport’s Community Transport Fund for a new Peugeot Boxer16-seater minibus.


We rely on volunteer effort on a day-to-day basis, on the active support of B&NES Councilor Neil Butters and B&NES Community Transport team, and on the generosity of our Corporate Sponsors, the Parish Council and individual donors.


Further offers of help are always warmly welcomed, either as an occasional driver or as a committee member.

Wellow Community Bus Group: a registered charity in England – 1146173